The Liberal Virtues (w/ Peter Boettke)

August 03, 2023 00:54:53
The Liberal Virtues (w/ Peter Boettke)
ReImagining Liberty
The Liberal Virtues (w/ Peter Boettke)

Aug 03 2023 | 00:54:53


Show Notes

In a series of essays on my website, I’ve been setting out the case goodwill and what I call sympathetic joy within the liberal project. These virtues not only strengthen liberalism, but help us to be happier and more content within a diverse and dynamic liberal society.

I haven’t discussed this much on the podcast so far. And so I was happy that my friend Peter Boettke, a University Professor of Economics and Philosophy at George Mason University, gave me an excuse to do so by raising some critiques of my arguments. I’ve brought him on today to talk about the liberal virtues, goodwill and toleration, and the values liberal citizens should have.

ReImagining Liberty is an independent show. If you enjoy it, consider becoming a supporter. You’ll get access to the community Discord and our monthly reading group, as well as all of my essays—including the audio editions—a week early. Learn more at

Podcast art by Sergio R. M. Duarte. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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