What's Wrong with Anarcho-Capitalism (w/ William Gillis)

December 14, 2022 00:59:21
What's Wrong with Anarcho-Capitalism (w/ William Gillis)
ReImagining Liberty
What's Wrong with Anarcho-Capitalism (w/ William Gillis)

Dec 14 2022 | 00:59:21


Show Notes

I sometimes hear market anarchists say that "Anarcho-capitalism isn't anarchism." This claim, and the disagreements about the nature and values of a free society underpinning it, raises a lot of fascinating questions about liberty, radical liberalism, the characteristics of capitalism, how you even define that term, and the broader movement for liberty.

My guest today is William Gillis (@rechelon). He a fellow at the Center for a Stateless Society and one of the most interesting writers out there on radical politics.

We talk about freedom and coercion, the legitimacy of power, the role of privilege in political action and inaction, and the ways the culture and incentive structure of the mainstream liberty movement make it less effective, principled, and radical than it should be, and sometimes even lead liberty advocates to become apologists for the status quo.

ReImagining Liberty is a project of The UnPopulist, and is produced by Landry Ayres. Podcast art by Sergio R. M. Duarte.

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Music: Finding the Balance by Kevin MacLeod | Link | License

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