The Necessity of Digital Free Speech (w/ Matthew Feeney)

March 15, 2023 00:51:20
The Necessity of Digital Free Speech (w/ Matthew Feeney)
ReImagining Liberty
The Necessity of Digital Free Speech (w/ Matthew Feeney)

Mar 15 2023 | 00:51:20


Show Notes

It seems like everyone is mad at “Big Tech.” Progressives dislike it because they think it’s too permissive of the spread of mis- and disinformation. Conservatives dislike it because they think it’s biased against them. Both sides agree that government should do something about it. Which, if you care about a free, open, and innovative internet, is a terrible idea.

To discuss the state and future of digital expression, I’m joined by my good friend Matthew Feeney, Head of Technology and Innovation at the London-based Centre for Policy Studies.

ReImagining Liberty is a project of The UnPopulist, and is produced by Landry Ayres. Podcast art by Sergio R. M. Duarte. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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