Tolerance and Liberalism (w/ Andrew Jason Cohen)

March 01, 2023 00:51:21
Tolerance and Liberalism (w/ Andrew Jason Cohen)
ReImagining Liberty
Tolerance and Liberalism (w/ Andrew Jason Cohen)

Mar 01 2023 | 00:51:21


Show Notes

A liberal society is a tolerant one. It's a society that allows for pluralism in preferences, lifestyles, religions, and approaches to life. But how far does tolerance go, what are the exceptions, and how can we better cultivate it?

To discuss these questions, I'm joined today by Andrew Jason Cohen. He is is Professor of Philosophy and Founding Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) at Georgia State University. He is the author most recently of Toleration and Freedom from Harm: Liberalism Reconceived and is working on a new book on civil discourse.

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ReImagining Liberty is a project of The UnPopulist, and is produced by Landry Ayres. Podcast art by Sergio R. M. Duarte. Music by Kevin MacLeod.

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