Latest Episodes

Music, Meaning, and Liberalism (w/ Akiva Malamet)
Music gives us meaning, not just in the way we identify deeply with our favorite songs, but in the ways genres create scenes and...

The Ideological Origins of the Reactionary Right (w/ Tom G. Palmer)
There’s something different about the contemporary right. Classical liberal rhetoric has been replaced with something much uglier and more reactionary, keen to carve the...

Liberalism, Buddhism, and the Politics of Impermanence
Early access release: 12/9. Public release: 12/16. Become a supporter and get early access to all new episodes.I am a liberal. I’m also a...

Hinduism and Liberalism (w/ Kat Murti)
Years go, I put together an edited volume called Arguments for Liberty. Every chapter took a different school of moral philosophy and made the...

What is Liberalism? (w/ Chandran Kukathas)
We talk a lot about liberalism on this show, but to date haven't done an episode on just what liberalism is. So it is...

The Future is a Conversation (w/ Jason Kuznicki)
The future is a conversation. What the future looks like, and how and which technologies will shape it, isn’t something we can plan, or...