ReImagining Liberty

A show about the emancipatory and cosmopolitan case for radical social, political, and economic freedom. Hosted by Aaron Ross Powell.

Latest Episodes

August 10, 2022 00:57:09
Capitalism vs. Socialism (w/ Chris Freiman & Matt McManus)

Capitalism vs. Socialism (w/ Chris Freiman & Matt McManus)

What's the best economic system for achieving prosperity, while maximizing liberty and autonomy? Capitalists give one answer, socialists another.Capitalists say that free markets not...


July 27, 2022 00:52:22
Is Anarchy the Answer? (w/ Cory Massimino)

Is Anarchy the Answer? (w/ Cory Massimino)

Cory Massimino (@corymassimino) is back on (Re)Imagining Liberty to talk about the politics of radical freedom at their most radical. Namely, anarchism.I get asked...


June 29, 2022 00:54:03
Trans Rights are Human Rights (w/ Kelly Wright)

Trans Rights are Human Rights (w/ Kelly Wright)

Today's episode is about transgender rights, and the growing cultural backlash among conservatives against the very idea of transgender identities.My guest is Kelly Wright...


June 29, 2022 01:03:43
Power, Knowledge, and Michel Foucault (w/ Jason Kuznicki)

Power, Knowledge, and Michel Foucault (w/ Jason Kuznicki)

When I was a scholar at the Cato Institute, interns frequently asked me for reading recommendations. My advice was typically to read books outside...


June 14, 2022 00:54:11
Militarization, Social Capital, and How Politics Goes Wrong (w/ Nathan Goodman)

Militarization, Social Capital, and How Politics Goes Wrong (w/ Nathan Goodman)

Today’s episode begins with a discussion of how border militarization and foreign intervention create a feedback loop of increasing violence and restrictions on freedom.We...


June 10, 2022 01:10:29
(Re)Assessing Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia" (w/ Matt McManus and Julian Sanchez)

(Re)Assessing Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia" (w/ Matt McManus and Julian Sanchez)

Today we’re looking at Robert Nozick’s classic work of libertarian philosophy, Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Released in 1974, it’s the book that put libertarianism...
