Latest Episodes

Capitalism vs. Socialism (w/ Chris Freiman & Matt McManus)
What's the best economic system for achieving prosperity, while maximizing liberty and autonomy? Capitalists give one answer, socialists another.Capitalists say that free markets not...

Is Anarchy the Answer? (w/ Cory Massimino)
Cory Massimino (@corymassimino) is back on (Re)Imagining Liberty to talk about the politics of radical freedom at their most radical. Namely, anarchism.I get asked...

Trans Rights are Human Rights (w/ Kelly Wright)
Today's episode is about transgender rights, and the growing cultural backlash among conservatives against the very idea of transgender identities.My guest is Kelly Wright...

Power, Knowledge, and Michel Foucault (w/ Jason Kuznicki)
When I was a scholar at the Cato Institute, interns frequently asked me for reading recommendations. My advice was typically to read books outside...

Militarization, Social Capital, and How Politics Goes Wrong (w/ Nathan Goodman)
Today’s episode begins with a discussion of how border militarization and foreign intervention create a feedback loop of increasing violence and restrictions on freedom.We...

(Re)Assessing Nozick's "Anarchy, State, and Utopia" (w/ Matt McManus and Julian Sanchez)
Today we’re looking at Robert Nozick’s classic work of libertarian philosophy, Anarchy, State, and Utopia. Released in 1974, it’s the book that put libertarianism...